The artificially mixed minerals were prepared by mixing quartz and apatite particles at a mass ratio of 3:1, of which the P 2 O 5 content is 16.6%. Fig. S1 shows the representative nitrogen. Conclusions. In this study, the roles of pH and collector concentration on the flotation separation behavior of quartz from apatite were systematically
41;In this work, a smart quartz sand (OD-SiO 2 @sand) with controllable wettability was designed as a filter media for efficient oil-water mixtures and water in oil emulsions …
202426;The physical and chemical properties of feldspar and quartz are highly similar, thus they cannot be easily separated effectively. In this work, the flotation separation of …
111;The binary mixed mineral flotation experiment of quartz and spodumene was carried out to verify the separation effect, and the results are shown in Table 2. From Table 2, …
2016111;1. Introduction. Froth flotation is the selected method for the separation of quartz and feldspar. In the conventional process, feldspar is floated from quartz by using hydrofluoric acid (HF) as activator for the feldspar and a cationic collector (amine) at pH 2–3 (O’Meara, 1939).Sandvik (1979) reported that HF creates a large difference in the minerals’ …
Investigations on the reverse cationic flotation separation of quartz from hematite using polyaspartic acid as depressant. , Applied Surface Science. Citation Excerpt : Hematite is a typical fine-grained iron ore, and its finely embedded particle size makes it difficult to develop and utilize hematite. Hematite can be used in the
The selective flotation separation mechanism of DHDAB to quartz and hematite was also analyzed by zeta potential tests, FT-IR analyses, contact angle tests, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) tests and density functional theory (DFT) analyses, meanwhile, the influence mechanism of the hydroxyl group on the performance of collectors was also
111;Effect of AAG (100 mg/L) on magnetite and quartz single mineral flotation at pH 10 with varying (a) collector dosage and (b) depressant dosage (fixed collector 20 mg/L). +6
200751;Large reserves of feldspar ore exist in the Aegean region of Turkey. The main colored impurities in these ores are iron- and titanium-bearing minerals such as anatase, rutile, …
The best choice is the quartz sand mineral, which is available and commonly used. Kaolinite is a silica-oxygen compound considered as common impurity in quartz sand minerals. Many studies have been conducted on its separation from quartz by flotation. Quartz is a common associated impurity in minerals. It has been widely studied due to its
815;Lattice impurities in quartz are hard to be removed by conventional processing techniques including magnetic separation and flotation (El-Salmawy et al., 1993, Vieira and Peres, 2007, Xu et al., 2013, Wang et al., 2014) because the trace impurity elements cannot be liberated from the host quartz by crushing and grinding.
DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2020.114502 Corpus ID: 225146958; Selective separation of hematite from quartz with sodium oleate collector and calcium lignosulphonate depressant @article{Long2020SelectiveSO, title={Selective separation of hematite from quartz with sodium oleate collector and calcium lignosulphonate depressant}, author={Wang Long and Weiguang …
The dolomite and quartz were mixed according to a mass ratio of 1:1 and were utilized as a gangue mixed mineral. The artificial mixed mineral was a combination of collophanite, dolomite, and quartz with a mass ratio of 2:1:1, and the total content of P 2 O 5 in artificial mixed mineral was 19.68 wt%. The phosphorus pentoxide content of
1129;The quartz ore used in this experiment is from Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province, China. The quartz sample was ground by a ball mill, and the part with a particle size of -212+109 \(\mu\) m was selected for the flotation experiment. For ICP and XRD tests, the samples were further ground to -20 \(\mu\) m. The impurity compositions in the quartz sand were …
Le processus de cyanuration est principalement utilisé là où la terre a une forte concentration en or. La technique d’ extraction de l’or par cyanuration consiste en une lixiviation du minerai …
91;It can be seen that DHDAB have better separation performance for hematite and quartz than DTAB, when the collector dosage was greater than 15 mg/L. The optimal dosage of the two collectors was 20 mg/L, and the recoveries of quartz and hematite with DHDAB were 96.25% and 15.20%, respectively, with a difference of 81.05%.
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21;Mineral samples used were gypsum (Zaozhuang Xianglin Gypsum Powder Company, China) and quartz (Shijiazhuang Chuangwei Mining Company, China). The two mineral samples were crushed, ground and sieved to −74.0 + 38.0 μm and analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (XRF), as shown in Fig. 1 and Table …
Stirring speed had a prominent effect on flocculation, de-flocculation and re-flocculation behaviors of molybdenite and quartz. Higher stirring speed scrubbed quartz from flocs due to weak attractive forces between molybdenite and quartz to reduce heterogeneous flocculation. Potential application of an eco-friendly amine oxide collector in
71;Quartz and cassiterite samples were collected from the Yunnan Province, China. Crushing, sifting, and gravity separation were employed to extract the cassiterite concentrate, followed by washing with DI water and drying in air. For flotation and adsorption tests, quartz and cassiterite samples were produced (38–18 μm) by grinding and sieving.
Fig. 5 shows the FTIR spectra of quartz and magnetite before and after adsorption with aliquat 336/lactic acid DES. As the results of quartz in Fig. 5 (a), peaks at 781.49 cm −1 and 463.06 cm −1 are ascribed to flexural vibration of Si-O-Si, while the location at 1169.64 cm −1 and 1082.78 cm −1 attribute to its asymmetric stretching
101;As a result, the effective separation of malachite and quartz was realized with 20 mg/L LAEO-15 at pH 6.30 via reverse flotation, in which 92.54% of malachite was recovered and 92.72% of quartz was removed, coupled with a high SI value of 12.57 in concentrate. Therefore, compared with conventional collector dodecylamine, LAEO-15 exhibited high
41;This was likely caused by the excess PEO, which increased the slurry viscosity, hampered quartz recovery and reduced the separation efficiency (Arinaitwe and Pawlik, 2013, Wu and De Ven, 2006). Therefore, PEO could improve the separation of ultra-fine hematite and quartz and the appropriate dosage was critical to achieve the …
419;Sodium silicate and starch were thus tested as depressants of both hematite and quartz. The separation efficiency of REO in the absence of depressants was low and averaged 6.42% at 99% REO
2016111;1. Introduction. Froth flotation is the selected method for the separation of quartz and feldspar. In the conventional process, feldspar is floated from quartz by using …
11;To remove quartz from barite, gravity concentration or flotation methods may be applied. To conduct an effective gravity separation, a marked density difference should exist between barite (4.5 Kg/m 3) and quartz (2.6 Kg/m 3). This is assessed using the “concentration criterion” (Bulatovic, 2007, Wills and Finch, 2015) which should be …
202472;When further investigating the flotation separation of malachite and quartz in the mixed mineral sample, the recovery rate and grade remained stable. With the BPTA dosage …